Which element should be removed from the periodic table?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sulfur By Brooke Chesik and Paul Stefani

Symbol: S
Atomic Number: 16
Atomic Mass: 32.6 u
Density: 2.07

     Sulfur is a non-metal. It is a non-metal because it has multiple properties of non-metals. Elemental sulfur is a yellow crystalline sulfur at room temperature. Sulfur is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Sulfur is both dull and brittle at solid form. Also it has a low density and volume compared to metals.

      Sulfur has been known since prehistoric time. In modern times Sulfur was convinced to be an element and not a compound by Antoine Lavoisier in 1777.Sulfur is found in nature in mineral springs, meteorites, volcanoes, and ores.

      Sulfur is a component of gunpowder and is also used in the making of rubber. It is used in making several kinds of paper and as a bleaching agent. One of sulfur’s most important compound is sulfuric acid. It is used in applications of fungicide and in fertilizer. Sulfur compounds can be highly toxic, however, are essential for life. Sulfur is greatly used in biochemical processes and metabolic reactions. Sulfur compounds serve as both fuels and respiratory materials for simple organisms. Sulfur is a component in amino acids which are essential to human beings.

     Sulfur is critical for humans to help the body detoxify and regenerate new tissue. The sulfur cycle plays an important role in the regeneration of cells. From this Sulfur is an important factor in the future to potentially cure disease. Its value and its potential makes it an essential element the world needs. Finally, your heart will not beat without sulfur.


Unknown said...

If sulfur does not potentially cure disease in the future, what else would it be good for?

Unknown said...

your blog says sulfur is highly toxic, how does that make it good for the human body

Unknown said...

I dont see anything that sulfur does in the present day that is of vital importance. Any response to that?

Unknown said...

Sulfer smells bad..... You might like the smell of rotten eggs, but i don't. I say we get ride of this element for the sake of our smelling abilities. Where's the fabreez??

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

How can sulfur help in the regeneration of cells? Is it also found in foods?

Unknown said...

@Gary sulfur is a necessity in the body in the regeneration of cells.

Unknown said...

@Jordan If you find a piece of sulfur on the side of the road don't eat it. Many Elements are toxic but that doesn't mean they are not important.

Unknown said...

sulfur has a horrible smell and can irritate the respitory system.

Unknown said...

@Steve Yes, Sulfur does have terrible odor but it's importance overcomes that.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

who likes sulfur? no one!

Unknown said...

@HarrisAndEmily Sulfur is found in a variety of foods. For example grains, eggs, and milk. And Sulfur helps the regeneration of cells to be closely tied to the body's ability to transport oxygen across cell membranes. This is a primary function of organic sulfur

Unknown said...

Your heart can not beat without sulfur. Anyone against sulfur is against living.