Which element should be removed from the periodic table?

Friday, February 8, 2013

By Jonathan Morris and Jasmine Cobb

Jonathan and Jasmine
Period 1
Chlorine Blog
            Chlorine is a non-metal, its properties are: high ionization energies and electro negativities, generally poor conductors of heat and electricity, solid nonmetals are brittle with no or little metallic luster.
            Chlorine has a variety of uses. It is used to disinfect water, which is how we clean our swimming pools in the summer. It kills bacteria in the water which can be hazardous to us if we are in the water. Chlorine is also used as a bleaching agent. Chlorine was discovered in 1774 by a Swedish-German chemist named Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Scheele discovered chlorine when he was studying the mineral pyrolusite. Pyrolusite consists primarily of manganese dioxide(MnO2). He mixed pryolusite with hydrochloric acid(HCl). A greenish yellow gas was released that was suffocating to the lungs this was chlorine in gas form. Carl Wilhelm Scheele born on Dec. 9th, 1742 and died May. 21st, 1786. His career as a pharmacist began at age 14 at an apothecary in Gothenburg. He discovered oxygen and a number of other elements but others published their findings first.

            Chlorine is never found free in nature. It combines directly with every element besides the noble gases. Chlorine is found in the compounds sodium chloride(NaCl) also known as table salt. It is also found in the compound hydrogen chloride(HCl) when mixed with water it forms hydrochloric acid.
            Chlorine should remain on the periodic table because it cleans the water that we drink. Without chlorine water would not be healthy to drink. Also, chlorine cleans pools which allow people to swim. Without chlorine we wouldn’t be able to clean the water. It wouldn’t be very healthy to us if we drank or swam in unclean water every day. The process of cleaning water would be longer without chlorine because in order to get the bacteria out you would have to boil the water.


Unknown said...

What does chlorine do for the human body

Unknown said...

a human study reported by the American Journal of Public Health shows a 21 percent increase bladder cancer risk and a 38 percent increase in rectal cancer risk with the exposure to chlorine.

Unknown said...

ive heard that to

david and courtney said...

clorine is never found in its pure form so its not that important by its self.

Unknown said...

True, but it combines directly with every element besides the noble gases. It combines with sodium which forms table salt which is pretty common.

Unknown said...

One of Chlorine's biggeest jobs is to clean the water and it still doesn't even kill all the unhealthy microorganisms in tap water.

Unknown said...

Jordan chlorine doesn't do anything for the body. it's bad for the body. chlorine is used in bleach and for dissinfecting water.

Unknown said...

The only way your exposed to chlorine in it's gas form is from IED explosions which has to do with the military. Also, you are exposed if there is a car accident or train car crash containing chlorine gas tanks. Only after hours and hours of not knowing you were exposed to chlorine in gas form it starts to become harmful. But you know if you were exposed to it and can seek medical attention. If you were exposed to chlorine in liquid form such as bleach you can simply wash it off your skin with soap and water before it becomes irritating.

Unknown said...

exposure to chlorine can cause skin irritation, and if in the body can destroy cells.

Unknown said...

Check the previous post.

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

The only claim that is noticed is chlorine can clean water. Are you saying chlorine is the only element that can do as well as a job then chlorine?