Which element should be removed from the periodic table?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Potassium By: Harris Outland and Emily Graziano

If potassium was to leave the periodic table, that would not be oK. Potassium is a soft silver like metal. Potassium is one of the most reactive and electropositive of metals. Potassium’s melting point 63.25 degrees celsius. Another fact about potassium is that it is quite easy to cut with a knife, just because it is easy to cut does not mean it is easy to kick off!

Potassium was discovered in 1807 by Sir Humphry Davy of Penzance Cornwall, England. born in December 17, 1778.  In his early life, Davy was apprentice to a surgeon apothecary.  He did many other experiments with many other elements.

When people think of potassium they think of bananas and other fruits.  This is good to know because with the lack of potassium a disease called Hypokalemia which literally means lack of potassium.  It’s caused by low levels of potassium in your blood.  Not only can potassium prevent disease, but it also is good for your balance of pH levels in your body fluids.

Potassium also plays an important role in plants as well.  Without the potassium in the ground the plants will not function correctly.  The potassium regulates the stomata present in plant cells of enzymes.  

Potassium is not only good for the body, but for the industries as well.  One can think of potassium as a helping element.  Potassium is used as a desiccant to produce various dry solvents.  Combined with other elements it can be used to make inks, dyes, and fly paper.  So this element with definitely stick to the periodic table!

In addition to these products potassium can make a number of bases, like soap and drain cleaners.


Unknown said...

potassium doesnt do anything for our body at all like what would that disease even do to me, ive never heard of it before.

Unknown said...

but high blood potassium levels (hyperkalemia, as you said) can lead to abnormal heart rhythms, and can impact the electrical rhythm of the heart.

Unknown said...

What are some good sources of potassium? ex. Edible foods, drinks, ect.

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

First of all, it is important. Potassium is important to your muscles and cells. The translaton actually means lack of potassium. This could also lead to a kidney disease

Unknown said...

So..... Potassium aye? I like bananas. They have a lot of potassium. So since I love bananas, potassium is alright I guess. But what if you dont like bananas? You would not be a fan of potassium right? Not every body likes them ya know. With out bananas, your element would fail.

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

@kaylee you're correct, but hyperkalemia, is somewhat rare because this disease usally comes about when you are already having kidney problems. Most potassium is stored withing the kidneys.

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

@Pat and Steven many other foods hold potassium such as potatoes, oranges, tomatoes, apricots,strawberries, and iceberg lettuce. You can also drink orange juice, so theres many other options besides bananas.

Unknown said...

And what if you do not like any of the foods/drinks listed? We can evolve to live without it. It is not need. Bye bye potassium.

david and courtney said...

pottasium is not neaded to survive.

Unknown said...

potassium can cause stomach pain and diarrhea.

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

@Steven, there are vitamin's for potassium as well @David did you even read this? Your point is invalid without a claim, your comment had none.