Which element should be removed from the periodic table?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Zinc by Corey Lyons and Kaylee Zarick

                Zinc is a transitional metal. The properties of a transitional metal are very hard, high meting points and boiling points, high electrical conductivity and malleability. Zinc is a bluish-white color.  It’s a solid when at room temperature. Zinc is found in small amounts in nature, such as the Earth’s crust. Zinc also finds its way into the environment through human activities. Some activities may include: mining, steel production, and burning coal.  Zinc is one of the most important elements on the periodic table and it is an element that needs to stay!
                Zinc is used for a multiple of necessities. It is used by the body to enhance the immune system by treating diseases and conditions, such as the plague and gingivitis. Zinc is used in batteries as an anti-corrosive. It is found in every cell; it repairs DNA and protects the body from oxidative stress. How could you live without this amazing element? 3 billion people a year have a zinc deficiency, which means they do not take in enough. Zinc is found in a multiple of foods that are necessary for humans to eat. What would we do without zinc?! One of the most important uses for zinc is during the process of producing American coins. Zinc is found in pennies, nickels, and dimes.
                It was discovered in 1746 by a German chemist by the name of Andreas Marggraf . He discovered by heating calamine  and carbon but it has been proven that it was used way before it was discovered. He got interested in chemistry because his father was a pharmacist. Also he was one of the first chemists to use a microscope. Along with the discovery of zinc, he discovered many other elements as well.
                As many would definitely know, zinc is the best element on the periodic table. Without it we would all get sick and die, just like a battery would. So don’t vote zinc off the periodic table! It is a necessity of life!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

did you know that if u take zinc supplements for 10 or more years it doubles your risk of developing prostate cancer....just saying.

Unknown said...

did you know that it isnt required to take zinc supplements :0

Unknown said...

then how can i aquire zinc for my body

david and courtney said...

3 billion is alot of people, like have the world population

Unknown said...

by eating food like beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products, which provide some zinc. without zinc your immune system would shut down.

Unknown said...

You said that zinc is found in little amounts in nature. How can zinc stay on the periodic table if it's only found in little amounts?

Unknown said...

Where is Zinc stored in the body?

Unknown said...

What does Zinc do for people in the present day?

Unknown said...

Zinc is primarily stored intracellularly. High levels are found in choroidal tissue of the eyes, prostrate, kidneys, liver, muscles and bones.

Unknown said...

Zinc needs to stay on the periodic table because without it all human immune systems will shut down..