Which element should be removed from the periodic table?

Friday, February 8, 2013

You need calcium in your life by Wesley Murfree and Jordan McCloe

Calcium is a metal.  This means that it is a good conductor of electricity and heat.  It exists in the solid state at room temperature.  Calcium is very malleable and ductile… so it won’t be getting kicked off anytime soon.
 The three most likely places to find calcium are in dairy products, limestone and your bones.  The place where calcium is the most abundant in the earth is deep in the crust.  It is the 5th most abundant element in the world.  Without the help of calcium you wouldn’t be able to do all the things that you do now because your bones would be brittle and it also helps blood vessels move through the body and help move muscles.  We have a lot to thank calcium for besides for what it does in our body.  Without calcium we wouldn’t be able to have many of the things we have today like fireworks, chalk, military equipment, dental products, fertilizer or dough and yeast products.     Could you imagine a world without fireworks and dough?  I didn’t think so.  Now I bet your thinking right now”wow there’s a lot about calcium that I didn’t know but what could it do for my health?”.  First off it can reduce high blood pressure, which is a huge problem it society today.  It can prevent gum disease, colon and rectum cancer.   It also treats and sometimes prevents heart burn, indigestion, osteoporosis and the big one out there for a lot of people reduces pms.  The last thing that calcium helps with and certainly not the least is it reduces the risk of breast cancer which affects so many people in the world, so make sure you get your daily calcium.
Calcium was discovered in 1808 by one of Britain’s leading scientists, Sir Humphrey Davy.  He also founded iodine, sodium, potassium, barium, strontium, and magnesium. 
So before you think you don’t need calcium just remember if you want your fireworks and dough and don’t want osteoperios, colon cancer or breast cancer and want to be able to live your live fully you need us or you won’t be able to survive.


Unknown said...

men who took calcium tablets were more likely to die of heart disease over more than a decade than those who didn't get extra calcium in supplement form.... just sayin.

Unknown said...

that might be true but people dont need to take calcium supplements they can aquire their calcium from many different things.

david and courtney said...

calcium is more neccesary than i thought

Unknown said...

How much Calcium do you need a day?

Unknown said...

It is a fact that many people stop taking calcium supplements because of many side effects such as gas, constipation, and bloating, i thought it was good for the human body?

Unknown said...

Populations that have a low calcium intake do have high rates of blood pressure. But it was never proven that calcium can prevent high blood pressure.

Unknown said...

Babies between the ages of newborn and six months old should have at least 210 milligrams of calcium each day.
From seven months to one year, they should have 270 milligrams per day.
Children aged one to three years should have 500 milligrams, four to eight years should have 800 milligrams.
Children nine years to eighteen year olds should have 1300 milligrams.
Adults between the ages of nineteen and fifty need 1000 milligrams of calcium per day, which adults aged fifty one and over need to increase their calcium intake to 1200 milligrams per day.

Unknown said...

yes that might be true calcium supplements are not needed and you can get your calcium intake from many different things

Unknown said...

calcium may not fully prevent high blood pressure but it reduces the risk of high blood pressure

Bradley and Cristina said...

Why for some people is it hard to obtain calcium and for others its not?

Unknown said...

Experts say excessive calcium intake may be unwise in light of recent studies showing that high amounts of the mineral may increase risk of prostate cancer.

How does that make you feel, knowing your element can cause cancer?

Potassium By:Emily Graziano Harris Outland said...

Besides the body, how else can calcium be positive?